Haṭha Vidyã Traditional school of yoga

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About Our Acharya

Bala, the Founder and the Director of Haṭha Vidyã Gurukulam, hails from Thrissur district of Kerala in India.His journey on the Path of Yoga began in Yoga - Vedanta Forest Academy, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh where he attained the basic training in Yoga. After which he took to extensive travelling through the expanse of Northern India,.exploring his way to seek the truth. Fortunately, he came across some of the eminent masters who imparted him the wisdom to experience the true essence of Yogic journey. In 2006 he met his Guru H.H. Srividyamba Saraswathi of Chaya peeth and received initiation into Natha tradition.Under the tutelage of his Guru, in 2008, he established Haṭha Vidyã Gurukulam at Thrissur, Kerala in order to impart a training to Yoga aspirants from all walks of life.

In 2009, under his chairmanship Thapobhoomi, a residential Yoga institute was established on the banks of the Gayathri River at Pazhayannur in Thrissur district of Kerala,India. Its publication division started in 2010.

In 2012, Sri. Bala established the first international wing of Haṭha Vidyã Gurukulam, in Dubai, UAE.

Our History

From our humble origins in 2008, Hatha Vidya is now present across the globe.

  • "HATHA VIDYA TRADITIONAL SCHOOL OF YOGA" opened its first operations in 2008, with its first Yoga school - Hatha Vidya Gurukulum in Kerala, India.

  • "THAPOBHOOMI", our residential Yoga centre wing, was established in 2009 on the banks of the Gayathri River in Kerala, India.

  • "HATHAVIDYA YOGA CENTRE LLC" was established in 2012 in Dubai, UAE. Currently, we have three branches in Dubai, situated in the north, south, and centre of Dubai.

  • "HATHAVIDYA TRADITIONAL YOGA SDN.BHD" was established in 2021, in Johor, Malaysia.

  • "HATHAVIDYA TRADITIONAL SCHOOL OF YOGA Ltd" was incorporated in 2022 for our operations in the UK.

  • "HATHA VIDYA TRADITIONAL SCHOOL OF YOGA" also functions as the representative office of Yoga Alliance International in GCC and Malaysia.

Our Mission

Our mission is "REVIVAL OF TRADITIONAL YOGA" in the contemporary era and to preserve the ancient yogic practices for the betterment of future generations. Hatha Vidya system is striving with the adage of "Jagat Yajnena Trupyatu", which means "May the world contend with selfless service".

Our vision is to impart the "RIGHT KNOWLEDGE of YOGA" to the world. We visualize cultivating a stronger yoga community through our teachings. We look forward to nurturing well-rounded and balanced individuals in our society through traditional Yoga

Our Vision

About Hatha Vidya

“Hatha Vidya” means “the wisdom of Hatha”. The term ‘Hatha’ in Sanskrit is composed of two syllables ‘ha’ and ‘tha’, ‘ha’ represents the sun or vital energy and ‘tha’ means the moon, representing the mental energy. By practicing Hatha Vidya, these two energy flows are synchronised leading to a balanced state of mind.

Hatha Vidya is the purest and the most traditional form of Yoga. It is the first step to improve one’s psycho physiological state (mind and body) for complete well being. Hatha Vidya empowers one to control the mind through body.

Yoga teachings and practices at Hatha Vidya Traditional School of Yoga are based on this time tested wisdom also popularly known as Hatha Yoga.

Hathayoga brings a balance between the two energy flows, leading to a steady-state of mind.

Also, Hatha Yoga is the base for Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is the highest state of Yoga (samadhi). Hatha Yoga prepares the practitioner to take up Raja Yoga. No one can become a Yogi without the knowledge and practice of both the Yogas.

Hatha Yoga should not be wrongly understood as Physical Yoga, for the sake of the body. It is rather a preparatory practice, to strengthen the body for the attainment of samadhi (equanimous mind).

Beginning with easy asanas (postures) the body is made to undergo a thorough cleansing process based on the Shad Karma Kriyas (a six-fold cleansing process) to equip the body for a full-fledged practice of Kumbhaka Padhathi (Pranayama).

Then with the use of Mudras (symbolic psychic gestures) & Bandhas (a binding action involving pressure or contraction), the practitioner is fully prepared to explore Nadaanusandhan (pursuing inner and external sounds, a pure and meticulous practice of corporeal and spiritual bliss).

" Hakāraḥ ki̇̅rtitaḥ sūryaśṭhakāraścandra ucyate
sūryācandramasoryogāddhaṭhyogo nigadyate

"Ha" signifies the Sun and "Tha" signifies the Moon.
The union of Sun and Moon itself is called Hatha Yoga.

Get in Touch With Us

Enjoy the advantages of Haṭha Vidyã through our genuine yoga practice that enhances psycho-physiological equilibrium. Remaining faithful to the ancient texts, our implemented one-to-one teaching method guarantees individualized instruction, even in a group setting. Our school's objective is to facilitate your self-discovery and personal growth.